Knowledge of SEO

Strategies and advice to improve search engines visibility and web traffic

Year: 2023

How to Become a Better Writer (Beginner’s Guide)

Becoming a better writer takes time. From pitching your idea to getting published—it’s a long process. But what are the best ways to become a better writer, and how can you do it? Let’s start with the basics: Who are you…

What is quality content and how do you create it? • Yoast

Writing quality content should be a key aspect of every SEO strategy. But when is your content considered high-quality? And does high-quality mean the same for your users as it does for Google? In this article, we’ll discuss what quality…

Microsoft Announces Platform Name Changes Amidst Market Acceleration

Microsoft recently announced numerous name changes to a handful of its platforms. Microsoft Ads has accelerated its digital footprint through big-name partnerships over the last few years. The platform name changes are a result of what the changes represent. A…

Google updates when 4 attribution models will be retired

Google will start to retire four rules-based attribution models in Ads and Analytics from mid-July: First-click. Linear. Time decay. Position-based. Marketers still using these attribution models will be able to continue doing so until September, when they will be removed…